Cold Fusion Hosting is all about databases, really. Cold Fusion, a software suite brought to us by the fine folks at Macromedia, which allows web-interactivity with databases. With Cold Fusion web hosting, you can now query, update, index, and chart databases from any web browser.

Cold Fusion hosting adds versatility and interactivity to ecommerce sites. Cold Fusion allows you to publish and then have automatically removed from your site time-sensitive content, such as flight schedules or event calendars. It adds functionality to creating and managing mailing lists and business reports. It allows you to offer your visitors printable content and customized menus.

Anytime you see .cfm as the extension on a web page, as opposed to .htm or .asp for example, you know you're dealing with Cold Fusion Markup Language (CFML).

Though cold fusion is built on the Java platform, CFML allows web developers the benefits of Java without its inherent technical complexities. You need not know Java scripting in order to use cold fusion. CFML is a tag-based language quite similar to HTML and XML which makes it easy for anyone with even the most basic knowledge of web scripting to learn.

Cold Fusion is a server-side language which means that any web pages using CFML are read and interpreted by the Cold Fusion hosting company's server and converted into an HTML page prior to being sent back to the user's browser.

Cold Fusion web hosting can be significantly more expensive than other forms of web hosting, and should therefore only really be considered if its unique set of tools are relevant for your site's intended uses. Cold Fusion hosting is usually run on Windows 2000/NT/2003 operating systems, though you can also find support for Cold Fusion hosting on Linux and Sun servers.

In addition to all the usual factors you must consider when choosing any web host - cost, disk space, bandwidth, uptime, scalability, support - you now also have to consider certain factors specific to cold fusion hosting, including: potential tag restrictions, additional security concerns, whether the cold fusion hosting company provides database support, and which version of Cold Fusion they're using.

One type of tag restriction that is also a security concern is "high risk" tags, such as those that can be used to find and erase selected files from a server. For some larger businesses, this functionality is crucial to their operation, though potentially detrimental if accessed by the wrong hands, in which case a dedicated server is probably in order. Fortunately, cold fusion hosting is offered on shared, virtual, and dedicated servers.

Cold Fusion is well worth considering if you'd like the functionality of the Java platform with the facility of a comparatively autonomous and user-friendly software system. Especially if your website is expected to generate an income, you may find that the intimidating price tag, in the long run, turned out to be a bargain.

Spiritual poems are poems that point at the essence of things, and our relation to them. They use words as tools of discovery rather than tools of definition.

spiritual poems, spiritual, poems

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What makes spiritual poems different from other spiritual writings? Poetry has a way of pointing more directly at reality, rather than just defining it. It uses words as tools for the transmission of experience. Spiritual poetry then, is more about enlightenment than belief. Here is a classic example from the Tao Te Ching:

Empty your mind of all thoughts.
Let your heart be at peace.
Watch the turmoil of beings,
but contemplate their return.

Each separate being in the universe
returns to the common source.
Returning to the source is serenity.
If you don't realize the source,
you stumble in confusion and sorrow.

When you realize where you came from,
you naturally become tolerant,
disinterested, amused,
kindhearted as a grandmother,
dignified as a king.

Immersed in the wonder of the Tao,
you can deal with whatever life brings you,
and when death comes, you are ready.

The Christian Bible is full of spiritual poems. Consider this short passage from the poetry found in Corinthians:

When I was a child,
I spoke like a child,
I thought like a child,
I reasoned like a child;
when I became a man,
I gave up childish ways.

Spiritual poems are not necessarily religious poems. They can simply point at the universal values in life, and at our relationship to these. This can be seen in the last stanza of the poem "Lake Superior."

There was the sun on my face,
and this was superior
to any description, idea,
belief or faith.

Spiritual poetry can try to point out some particular truth. It can also be more enigmatic, causing you to investigate an idea more closely to find your own truth. It can be an expression of love, or encourage you to relax and be at peace. Simple enjoyment, though, is enough reason to read spiritual poems.

Massage chairs have the potential to be significant investment. Therefore, it is important for you to do some research beforehand. Your decision to buy a massage chair is typically influenced by your requirements and budget. Asking yourself some right questions to ascertain your needs before making the purchase can help you make the right choice.

massage, chair, massage chair, chairs, massage chairs, pressure, features, benefits, tension, designed, height, space, shoulder areas, features massag

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Massage chairs have the potential to be significant investment. Therefore, it is important for you to do some research beforehand. Your decision to buy a massage chair is typically influenced by your requirements and budget. Asking yourself some right questions to ascertain your needs before making the purchase can help you make the right choice.

A massage chair is specifically designed to stimulate the pressure points in your body and relax your muscles. A well-designed massage chair should provide you relief from pain as well as complete relaxation. The two most common types of massage chair are Shiatsu and Swedish massage chairs. Shiatsu massage chairs use a combination of movements to stimulate the body’s pressure points by the help of pressing, patting, sweeping, rolling, and rotation movements, while Swedish massage chairs use long and smooth strokes combined with kneading movement.

What Are Benefits Of Using A Massage Chair?
Knowing the benefits of a product like massage chair can emphasize the need for that product and educate you towards its important. The benefits of having a good massage chair are manifold specifically for your health. Here are some of the most common benefits:

* Totally freedom from stress and deep relaxation
* Relief from stiffness and tension in muscles
* Reduction in body tension and muscle spasm
* Better joint flexibility and wider range of motion
* Enhanced flexibility and efficient movement
* Reduced blood pressure levels
* Better blood circulation

Can Anyone Use A Massage Chair?
Now that you know the benefits of massage chairs, you are probably interested in knowing who can use it. Well, massage chairs are typically designed for an average height of 5'10". So, if you are much taller or shorter than this height, we suggest you give the massage chair a try before buying it. Ask the massage chair salesperson to help you learn the controls so that you can adjust the position of the various nodes and rollers for maximum benefit. Certain brands, such as Panasonic offer massage chairs that automatically adjust to your height by sensing the top of your shoulders when seated. If you are over 6 feet tall or suffer from knee, hip, or lower back pain then don't buy a massage chair that is very low to the ground.

What features should the massage chair have?
Having too many features in your massage chair can mean paying a higher dollar. More often than not, most people use only some specific features on a regular basis. Choose a massage chair with features that match your needs. For ex: of you are prone to muscle tension and stiffness, then you should invest in a massage chair that offers excellent mechanical massage to your body or specific area of your body. A good example of this is the Isymphonic massage chair that has been designed to be especially effective in the neck and shoulder areas. Panasonic's Pro Elite comes with airbags in the chairs arms that inflate and deflate to massage the neck and shoulder areas. Some other chairs have air bags that inflate and deflate in the legs and foot region, while others have them in the lower back, hip, and buttocks areas.

When testing the massage chair, also pay special attention to the pressure or intensity of the massage offered. Though the intensity of the massage can be adjusted according to individual preference, you must sit in the chair for at least 15 minutes to ascertain that the pressure and comfort are acceptable.

If you like to sit with your legs on a higher level, then check if the massage chair has an extendable leg rest or an ottoman.

Where Should You Put The Massage Chair?
Now that you have tested the massage chair and probably made up your mind about which chair to buy, its time to think about where you can keep the chair. Since massage chairs are bulky, they require more space. Usually, a bedroom or a home office is the most popular choice for putting a massage chair in. Discuss with people who will be using the massage chair to make sure that the place where you keep the chair works for them or not.

Reclining massage chairs cant be kept with their back close to a wall. A better idea is to measure the space where youd want to put the massage chair before making a selection. You can also seek the advice of a chair salesperson to find out the area required for your massage chair.

If you are not sure where youll put the chair, you may want to buy one with wheels like the Ijoy. Not only can you move it from one room to another but also keep it out of sight when not in use. But if you are facing a space crunch, then opt for a portable massage cushion. Though not as rich in features as a regular massage chair, the cushion can be placed on any chair and is easy to stow away.

What Should My Budget Be?
Budget! Perhaps, one of the main deciding factors when investing in a massage chair. The general range for massage chairs starts at around $700 and can go up to $6000 or more. A word of caution - price is not an indication of quality. High priced models are completely feature packed and you never use most of these feature in your lifetime!

Remember, a good massage chair can alleviate your daily stress and body tension in a matter of minutes. But never buy one without trying it for yourself.

No man is an island. If you hope to achieve success, then you must develop your ability to interact positively with people.

Successful interaction, develop people skills, life mastery, understand people

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You need people. That’s a fact. Developing your people skills is probably one of the wisest investments you could ever make for yourself. Brilliant people who have already developed their people skills are already on their way to the top. Others who have also realized the importance of improving people skills have built their businesses on helping individuals improve the way they relate to other people.

Examine the way you relate to people. How good are you when it comes to working with people? Do you listen carefully to others or do you do most of the talking? Do you expect people to follow your command or do you create a win-win situation for parties concerned?

Improving your people skills starts with the right understanding of people. One of the keys to understanding human nature is frequent interaction with people. This will certainly be a big boost in establishing great relationships with your boss, officemates, spouse, children, friends, relatives, etc. These people can lift you up in victory, or these same people can refuse to do so.

Why do people refuse to extend assistance?

Two of the major reasons why people refuse to extend support or assistance are the perceived fear of losing and the absence of gain. Part of understanding human nature is to realize that most people always look after their own welfare first before the welfare of others.

The fear of losing prevents people from extending assistance most especially if it involves money, confidence, health, time, energy, and security (not necessarily in that order!). The trick then is to frame your request in order to minimize the fear of losing and emphasize the gains. Highlight the idea of winning and give assurance that losing is remote.

After you succeed in taking off the fear of losing, the next thing you need to do is to show the benefit they will gain from your offer. Among people, the fear of losing is paramount over the benefit of gaining. With this in mind, the gains should be equal or greater than the perceived fear of loss.

Another important factor in developing people skills is to have a good reputation. In establishing good relations, people look at the reputation of the person making the offer.

Reputation is built on first impressions, and first impressions last. With this, it is extremely important that you establish good impressions right at the very onset of the meeting. With a good reputation, succeeding requests will sail through. It is easier to make a first good impression than correct a previous bad one.

The bottom line is this: In order to succeed in life, you have to develop your people skills. Part of this is understanding human nature and how people relate with each other. You also have to practice interacting with a variety of personalities. Improve your people skills and increase your odds for success!

Most children love all things Halloween. As adults, we assume it's because Halloween means candy and children generally love candy. But many children love more than just the abundance of candy at Halloween time. They really get into the ghoulish aspect of the holiday and delight in the displays of goopy brains and squishy body parts.

Halloween games, therefore, can be really fun and goopy, if you wish. The kids will go with it, don't worry.

First up, a brain game. There's a fun game on store shelves where you pick through a rubber "brain" to figure out what's in it. You can create this easily yourself. Make some jello and fill it with a variety of items, like gummy worms and other gummy candies, some small candy and trinkets and other items. Tell the children to root around in the bowl of jello (call it a "brain" if this will get the kids more interested) to figure out what's in it. It's goopy and messy and kids love it. Best yet, color the jello black so it's too dark to see what's inside and it looks more like goopy brain matter (the way kids see it, anyway).

In that same, or similar vein, kids love the spaghetti game. Be sure they are wearing a smock over their clothes or are wearing play clothes before playing this game. Make a big bowl of spaghetti and fill it with all kinds of items, like plastic bugs, gummy worms and other items that might feel a bit strange. Make the children feel around in the bowl of spaghetti and identify the items they feel. Once they are done and cleaned up, have them list as many items as they can remember. Whoever gets the most items listed (and right) gets a prize. Spaghetti, anyone?

Another similar game that's always popular is to take a cardboard box and paint it black, both the inside and outside. Carve a small hole in the top, really just large enough for the children to get their hands into, and fill the box with a variety of items. They can be related to Halloween (like a small pumpkin) or not (wrapped Tootsie rolls or a tiny toy Hummer car). Have the children guess what's inside the box and award the box itself to the child who guesses the most number of items correctly. To make this goopy and silly, be sure to include some items that might feel like body parts or brain matter.

Kids love creating silly fictional stories, often with absurd plotlines. Halloween is the optimum time to let them run wild with their imaginations. Have them spend a bit of time writing out the scariest story they can think of. Some children might need some direction not to make it ridiculously grotesque, so use caution with these children in your clarification of this assignment. Once the stories are written, have the children hand them in and then have a guest reader for each one of them. Each child will come to the front of the class and read the story with as much dramatization as they can muster. Once the story is read, everyone has to guess who wrote the story. The writer should play along, otherwise everyone will know it was their story! The winner is the child who wrote a story so intriguing and unusual that nobody knew it was his or hers!

Kids love the word find games when you give them a word or words relating to a holiday or something else and have them find words within those words. In this case, give them Halloween-related words and ask them to find as many scary words as they can. For example, you might give them the word "Halloween" and see how many scary words they can make from the letters. Or you could give them a series of words and let them rearrange the letters in all of the words to create scary words, or even create a story from the scary words. Put a time limit on this game and award a prize for the child who creates the most words in the least amount of time.

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